Tools and Resources
Tools to keep your company compliant with U.S. export regulations…and hopefully make life a little easier!
To receive updates about our tools and resources, make sure you are signed up for our emails! Click here to sign up.
Searchable Commerce Control List (CCL)
Full Commerce Control List (CCL) compiled into an easily searchable pdf document.
Searchable ITAR
International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), amendments and regulation changes compiled into an easily searchable pdf document.
ITAR Compliance & Certification Resources
ECTI offers resources to help improve your ITAR compliance efforts.
EAR Compliance & Certification Resources
ECTI offers resources to help improve your EAR compliance efforts.
Useful Websites
Government sites to keep you up to date on current regulations. Including denied parties lists and encryption control websites.
Quick Reference Flip Chart
This clear and easy-to-use reference guide includes essential steps and information needed to pursue compliance with U.S. export regulations administered by the U.S. Departments of State (ITAR), Commerce (EAR) and Treasury (OFAC).
ITAR/EAR Specially Designed – Short Course
Get an in-depth understanding of the importance of the definition of “specially designed” in the ITAR and the EAR, the key related terms you should know and real-world examples of how to use the definition.
Reexports Key Analysis Guide
This comprehensive, clear and easy-to-use guide includes step-by-step instructions needed to determine relevant U.S. export controls as part of a comprehensive compliance program.
U.S. Export Controls Awareness Training
On-demand e-learning for employees throughout your organization, helping them to recognize potential red flags or compliance issues, before problems arise.
For additional questions and resources, check out our FAQ page.